The Truth About Networking: Strategic Business Networking
John Chambers
A Finnish grammar
Charles Eliot
The Sociology of Zygmunt Bauman: Challenges and Critique
Michael Hviid Jacobsen & Poul Poder
R. Glenn Hubbard & Anthony Patrick O'Brien
TypeScript High Performance
Ajinkya Kher
World Englishes: A Cognitive Sociolinguistic Approach
Hans-Georg Wolf & Frank Polzenhagen
Applications of cognitive linguistics (8)
Encyclopedia of Humor Studies
Salvatore Attardo
Encyclopedia of Communication Theory
Stephen W. Littlejohn & Karen A. Foss
A Forensic Linguistic Approach to Legal Disclosures: ERISA Cash ...
James Stratman
Handbook of Language and Social Interaction
Kristine L. Fitch & Robert E. Sanders
Auswertung qualitativer Daten: Strategien, Verfahren und Methoden ...
Andreas M. Scheu