The Life and Works of John Owen (55-In-1)
John Owen & William Goold
Produktionsplanung: ablauforganisator[..] Aspekte
Wolfgang Domschke & Armin Scholl & Stefan Voß
Digital Discourse: Language in the New Media
Crispin Thurlow & Kristine Mroczek
On Language and Linguistics (Collected Works
Jonathan J. Webster & M. A.K. Halliday
Theory of Structured Parallel Programming
Yong Wang
Ensemble Learning for AI Developers
Alok Kumar & Mayank Jain
Risikomanagement Kompakt
Christof Ebert
IT kompakt (1)
Overview of the PMBOK® Guide: Short Cuts for PMP® Certification
Deasún Ó Conchúir
Jenkins 2 - Up and Running: Evolve Your Deployment Pipeline ...
Brent Laster
Hands-on Pipeline as YAML with Jenkins: A Beginner's Guide to ...
Mitesh Soni
CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins Unleashed
Pranoday Pramod Dingare
Pro Continuous Delivery
Nikhil Pathania
Mastering Jenkins
Jonathan McAllister
Jenkins: The Definitive Guide
John Smart
Practical Web Scraping for Data Science
Seppe Vanden Broucke & Bart Baesens
Python Web Scraping Cookbook
Michael Heydt
Website Scraping With Python
Gábor László Hajba
Algorithms: Design Techniques and Analysis (Second Edition)
M H Alsuwaiyel
Algorithms for Dummies
John Paul Mueller & Luca Massaron
Advanced Excel Essentials
Jordan Goldmeier
Pro Java Microservices With Quarkus and Kubernetes
Nebrass Lamouchi
Production Kubernetes: Building Successful Application Platforms
Josh Rosso & Rich Lander & Alex Brand & John Harris
Using Docker
Adrian Mouat
Pro Docker
Deepak Vohra
Kubernetes in Action
Marko Luksa