Tackling TypeScript
Axel Rauschmayer
The Father of Us All: War and History, Ancient and Modern
Victor Davis Hanson
Two Essays on Analytical Psychology
Carl Gustav Jung
Mysteries: An Investigation Into the Occult, the Paranormal ...
Colin Wilson
Oxford Scholarship Online: Union and Distinction in the Thought ...
Melchisedec Törönen
Data Science Bookcamp
Leonard Apeltsin
Cleaning Data for Effective Data Science
David Mertz
Building Machine Learning Systems with Python
Luis Pedro Coelho & Willi Richert & Matthieu Brucher
Behavioral Data Analysis with R and Python
Florent Buisson
Algebraic Graph Algorithms
K. Erciyes
Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science (1)
Advancing Into Analytics
George Mount
Advanced Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro
Paul A. Zandbergen
Machine Learning for Decision Sciences with Case Studies in ...
S. Sumathi & Suresh V. Rajappa & L. Ashok Kumar & Surekha Paneerselvam
Modeling and Simulation in Python
Jason M. Kinser
Time Series Analysis with Python Cookbook
Tarek A. Atwan
Data Analysis with Python and PySpark
Jonathan Rioux
Python Natural Language Processing Cookbook
Zhenya Antic
Numerical Solution of Integral Equations
Michael A. Golberg
Csound: A Sound and Music Computing System
Victor Lazzarini & Steven Yi & John Ffitch & Joachim Heintz & Øyvind Brandtsegg & Iain McCurdy
Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, Second Edition
Rogers, Patricia L. & Berg, Gary A. & Boettcher, Judith V. & Howard, Caroline & Justice, Lorraine & Schenk, Karen D.
Computer Music Instruments: Foundations, Design and Development
Victor Lazzarini
Computer Music Instruments II: Realtime and Object-Oriented ...
Automated Deduction - a Basis for Applications Volume I Foundations ...
Wolfgang Bibel & P. H. Schmitt
Mathematical Problems From Applied Logic I: Logics for the XXIst ...
Dov M. Gabbay & Sergei S. Goncharov & Michael Zakharyaschev
State of the Art in Computational Morphology: Workshop on Systems ...
Cerstin Mahlow, Michael Piotrowski