Fifty Years of Fuzzy Logic and Its Applications
Dan E. Tamir & Naphtali D. Rishe & Abraham Kandel
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (326)
Coding Games in Python
Dorling Kindersley, Inc.
The Oxford Handbook of the Pentateuch
Joel S. Baden & Jeffrey Stackert
World Without Cancer : The Story of Vitamin B17 - Part 2
G. Edward Griffin
Knowledge Economies and Knowledge Work
Denise Bedford & Bill Lafayette & Wayne Curtis & Seema Iyer
The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena
Jean Baudrillard
The Spirit of Terrorism and Other Essays
The Gulf War Did Not Take Place
The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact
Carnival and Cannibal: Ventriloquous Evil
La société de consommation: ses mythes, ses structures ; préface ...
Cool Memories II, 1987-1990
Utopia Deferred: Writings From Utopie (1967-1978)
Symbolic Exchange and Death
Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society (1)
The Singular Objects of Architecture
Jean Baudrillard & Jean Nouvel
The Vital Illusion
Jean Baudrillard & Julia Witwer
Closing down the Social: Baudrillard's Challenge to Contemporary ...
William Bogard
Suite Venitienne (Please Follow Me)
Sophie Calle & Jean Baudrillard
Postmodernism, Symbolicity, and the Rhetoric of the Hyperreal: ...
Thomas Carmichael
Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics
William Chaloupka & William Stearns
Jean Baudrillard: Fatal Theories
David B. Clarke
Adapting Philosophy: Jean Baudrillard and *The Matrix Trilogy*
Catherine Constable
Encyclopedia of Media and Communication
Marcel Danesi
McLuhan and Baudrillard - The Masters of Implosion
Gary Genosko
Forget Jerusalem: William Faulkner’s Hyperreal Novel - Thesis
Michael J. Germana