The Library of Living Philosophers Volume 11
Paul Arthur Schilpp
Detecting Trust and Deception in Group Interaction
V. S. Subrahmanian & Judee K. Burgoon & Norah E. Dunbar
Reflections on the Revolution in France
Edmund Burke
Geography and Revolution
David N. Livingstone & Charles W.J. Withers (Editors)
The Adventure of the Dying Detective - a Sherlock Holmes Short ...
Arthur Conan Doyle
Shakespeare's Legal Language: A Dictionary
B. J. Sokol & Mary Sokol
Negative Horizon: An Essay in Dromoscopy
Paul Virilio
Tillich: A Guide for the Perplexed
Andrew O'Neill
Nicolas Malebranche: Freedom in an Occasionalist World
Susan Peppers-Bates
Research Methods in Linguistics
Lia Litosseliti