S Chand Higher Engineering Mathematics
H K Dass
Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics - Paper
Hannes Leitgeb
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors
Kersey Graves
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning
John W. Schwieter & Alessandro Benati
101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic . . . ButDidn't!
Tim Maltin & Eloise Aston
The Aims of Education Restated
John White
Seeing Dark Things: The Philosophy of Shadows
Roy Sorensen
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
Stewart Shapiro
Representing and Intervening: Introductory Topics in the Philosophy ...
Ian Hacking
Readings in the Philosophy of Technology
David M. Kaplan
Philosophy of Science: A New Introduction
Gillian Barker & Philip Kitcher
Philosophy of Physics: Quantum Theory
Tim Maudlin
Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction
Val Dusek
The Philosophy of TV Noir
Steven M. Sanders & Aeon J. Skoble
Philosophy of Science After Feminism
Janet A. Kourany
Philosophy of Science for Theologians: An Introduction
Gijsbert van Den Brink
Philosophy of Action from Suarez to Anscombe
Constantine Sandis
Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle
Christopher Shields
Mind, Matter, and Method
Paul Feyerabend & Grover Maxwell
Making Things Happen: A Theory of Causal Explanation
James Woodward
Philosophy of Science in the Twentieth Century: Four Central ...
Donald Gillies
General Philosophy of Science: Focal Issues
Theo A. F. Kuipers
The Philosophy of Science
Sahotra Sarkar & Jessica Pfeifer
Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Readings
Yuri Balashov & Alexander Rosenberg
A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
John Losee