Dealing With Darwin: Place, Politics, and Rhetoric in Religious ...
David N. Livingstone
Eriugena, al-Kindī, Nikolaus von Kues: Protagonisten einer wissenschaftsfreu[..] ...
Alfred Gierer
Die Gesellschaft der Nachhaltigkeit: Umrisse eines Forschungsprogramms
Sighard Neckel & Natalia Besedovsky & Moritz Boddenberg & Martina Hasenfratz & Sarah Miriam Pritz & Timo Wiegand
The Vital Illusion
Jean Baudrillard & Julia Witwer
Generating Natural Language Under Pragmatic Constraints
Eduard H. Hovy & Yale Univ New Haven Ct Dept. Of Computer Science.
Dao Companion to Daoist Philosophy
Xiaogan Liu
German Technical Dictionary
Routledge (firm)
Geopolitics and the Quest for Dominance
Jeremy Black
Historical Dictionary of Byzantium
John H. Rosser
Historical Dictionaries of Ancient Civilizations and Historical Eras (1)
History of Linguistics
Giulio C. Lepschy
Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism Since 1450
Thomas Benjamin
Encyclopedia of the Hundred Years War
John A. Wagner
Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses
The Oxford History of Historical Writing: Volume 5: Historical ...
Daniel R. Woolf & Axel Schneider
Old English: A Linguistic Introduction
Jeremy J. Smith
An Introduction to Early Modern English
Terttu Nevalainen
101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic . . . ButDidn't!
Tim Maltin & Eloise Aston
Dictionary of Gypsy Mythology
Claude Lecouteux
The Jungle Book
Rudyard Kipling
The Reign of Relativity: Philosophy in Physics 1915-1925
Thomas Ryckman
Enlightenment Contested: Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation ...
Jonathan I. Israel & Professor Of Modern European History Jonathan I Israel
A Pocket Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue
Captain Francis Grose