Diagnosing Contemporary Philosophy with the Matrix Movies
O. Bradley Bassler
Immortality and the Philosophy of Death
Michael Cholbi
Who's Who in the Twentieth Century
The God Code:The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future
Gregg Braden
Calculating God
Robert J. Sawyer
Shakespeare: The Biography
Peter Ackroyd
The Wine of Wisdom: The Life, Poetry and Philosophy of Omar ...
Mehdi Aminrazavi & Mehdi Amin Razavi
My Years With Ayn Rand
Nathaniel Branden & Ayn Rand
Jerusalem!: The Real Life of William Blake
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Goethes Freunde in Gotha und Weimar
Sigrid Damm
Eternity's Sunrise
Leo Damrosch
A Life in Our Times
John Kenneth Galbraith
A William Faulkner Encyclopedia
Robert W. Hamblin & Charles A. Peek
Ayn Rand and the World She Made
Anne C. Heller
Awakened Cosmos: The Mind of Classical Chinese Poetry
David Hinton
Der Junge muss an die frische Luft: Meine Kindheit und ich
Hape Kerkeling
The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 1: Family Letters, ...
C. S. Lewis
Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
Clive Staples Lewis
William Wordsworth, a Poetic Life
John L. Mahoney
The Cabin: Reminiscence and Diversions
David Mamet
Ayn Rand Answers: The Best of Her Q & A
Robert Mayhew
Jan Morris
Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, ...
Alec Nevala-Lee
The Cambridge Companion to Coleridge
Lucy Newlyn
Encyclopedia of African American Women Writers
Yolanda Williams Page