Kickback: Exposing the Global Corporate Bribery Network
David Montero
Legends and Superstitions of the Sea and of Sailors in All Lands ...
Fletcher S. Bassett
The AMA Handbook of Project Management
Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin & Paul C. Dinsmore
Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings
Stella Hurd & Tim Lewis
Defining Darwin: Essays on the History and Philosophy of Evolutionary ...
Michael Ruse
Swift Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
T. Michael Rogers
Objective-C Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Matthew Campbell
Core Data: Apple's API for Persisting Data on Mac OS X
Marcus S. Zarra
Building iPhone OS Accessories: Use the iPhone Accessories API ...
Ken Maskrey
Programming Interactivity
Joshua Noble
IOS Sensor Apps With Arduino: Wiring the IPhone and IPad Into ...
Alasdair Allan
MAC OS X UNIX Toolbox: 1000+ Commands for the Mac OS X
Thomas Myer & Christopher Negus & François Caen