Prodigal Father Wayward Son
Sam Keen
Illustrated C# 7: The C# Language Presented Clearly, Concisely, ...
Daniel Solis & Cal Schrotenboer
The Progressive Era
Murray Newton Rothbard
Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds: ...
Georg Luck
Machine Learning for Cloud Management
Rajkumar Buyya & Jitendra Kumar & Ashutosh Kumar Singh & Anand Mohan
Syllable Weight: Phonetics, Phonology, Typology
Matthew Kelly Gordon
Reconnecting Language: Morphology and Syntax in Functional Perspectives
A. M. Simon-Vandenbergen & Kristin Davidse & Dirk Noel
Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology
Edwin Williams
Routledge Leading Linguists (1)
Processing Syntax and Morphology: A Neurocognitive Perspective
Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Matthias Schlesewsky
New Perspectives on English Historical Linguistics: Syntax and ...
Christian Kay & Simon Horobin & Jeremy J. Smith
Network Morphology: A Defaults-Based Theory of Word Structure
Dunstan Brown & Andrew Hippisley
Morphology, Phonology, and Aphasia
Jean-Luc Nespoulous & Pierre Villiard
The Morphology of English Dialects: Verb-Formation in Non-Standard ...
Lieselotte Anderwald
Peter H. Matthews
Morphology and Meaning: Selected Papers From the 15th International ...
Franz Rainer & Francesco Gardani & Wolfgang U. Dressler & Hans Christian Luschützky
Morphology and Its Interfaces
Alexandra Galani & Glyn Hicks & George Tsoulas
Morphology and Lexical Semantics
Rochelle Lieber
Morphology and Language History: In Honour of Harold Koch
Claire Bowern & Bethwyn Evans & Luisa Miceli
Morphology: A Study of the Relation Between Meaning and Form
Joan L. Bybee
Morphology: Word Structure in Generative Grammar
John Thayer Jensen
Morphology 2000: Selected Papers From the 9th Morphology Meeting, ...
Sabrina Bendjaballah
Morphological Productivity
Laurie Bauer
Morphological Length and Prosodically Defective Morphemes
Eva Zimmermann
Morphological Typology: From Word to Paradigm
Gregory Stump & Raphael A. Finkel
Morphological productivity : structural contraints in English ...
Ingo Plag
Topics in English linguistics (28)