The Oxford Handbook of Eschatology
Jerry L. Walls
Oxford Handbooks (1)
Knowledge in Perspective Selected Essays in Epistemology
Ernest Sosa
The Philosophy of Horror, Or, Paradoxes of the Heart
Noël Carroll
Evil in Mind: The Psychology of Harming Others
Christopher T. Burris
Praxishandbuch Interkulturelles Management: Der andere Weg: ...
Peter M. Haller & Ulrich Nägele
Wittgenstein After His Nachlass
Nuno Venturinha
A Century of Philosophy
Hans-Georg Gadamer & Riccardo Dottori
Philosophy, Theology, and Politics: A Reading of Benedict Spinoza's ...
Paul J. Bagley
The National Element in Hermann Cohen's Philosophy and Religion
Hartwig Wiedebach
History of Modern Jewish Religious Philosophy: Volume II: The ...
Eliezer Schweid
Theologisch-polit[..] Abhandlung: Vollständige Ausgabe
Baruch de Spinoza
The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
Aurelius Marcus
Out of the Trap: Selected Lectures of Alan W. Watts
Alan W. Watts
Immanuel Kant: Gesammelte Werke: Andhofs große Literaturbibliothek
Immanuel Kant
Aristoteles: Gesammelte Werke: Andhofs große Literaturbibliothek
Whitehead's Organic Philosophy of Science
Ann L. Plamondon
Wittgenstein on Logic as the Method of Philosophy: Re-Examining ...
Oskari Kuusela
Hamann: Writings on Philosophy and Language
Johann Georg Hamann
Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western ...
Graham Oppy & Nick N. Trakakis
Thought Thinking: The Philosophy of Giovanni Gentile
Bruce Haddock & James Wakefield
Thomism: The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
Etienne Gilson
Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite
Eric D. Perl
The Philosophy of Aquinas
Cristopher John Shields & Robert Pasnau