A Synopticon An Index to the Great Ideas
Mortimer Jerome Adler
Intellectual Virtues: An Essay in Regulative Epistemology
W. Jay Wood & Robert C. Roberts & William Jay Wood
Problems of Philosophy
Bertrand Russell
Relators and Linkers: The Syntax of Predication, Predicate Inversion, ...
Marcel Den Dikken
Easy Programming for the ZX Spectrum
Robin Jones & Ian Nicholas Stewart
Colours in the Storm
Jim Betts
The Second Half
Roy Keane & Roddy Doyle
Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course
Gordon Ramsay
The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction
Alan Jacobs
Our Culture, What's Left Of It
Theodore Dalrymple
Adding Insult to Injury
Nancy Fraser & Anne Phillips & Christopher Zurn & Elizabeth Anderson & Ingrid Robeyns & Iris Marion Young & Joseph Heath & Judith Butler & Leonard Feldman & Nikolas Kompridis & Rainer Forst & Richard Rorty
The Death Penalty, Volume II
Jacques Derrida
The Seminars of Jacques Derrida (1)
Who Was Rachel Carson?
Sarah Fabiny
The Philosophy of Sociality: The Shared Point of View
Raimo Tuomela
Telling Flesh: The Substance of the Corporeal
Vicki Kirby
Space, Time and Perversion: Essays on the Politics of Bodies
Elizabeth A. Grosz
Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things That Piss Off the Godless
Greta Christina
God, the Gift, and Postmodernism
John D. Caputo & Michael J. Scanlon
The Sacred Symbols of MU
James Churchward & James M. Brand
The Children of MU
Introduction to Blender 3.0
Gianpiero Moioli
Lean Software Systems Engineering for Developers
Doug Durham & Chad Michel
War and Genocide
Doris L. Bergen
Critical Issues in World and International History (1)
The Discoverie of Witchcraft
Reginald Scot
D3.js in Action
Elijah Meeks & Anne-Marie Dufour