Fluent Python, 2nd Edition 2021
Luciano Ramalho
The Sky: Mystery, Magic, and Myth
Jean-Pierre Verdet
Handbook of Logic and Language
Alice G. B. Ter Meulen
Natural Language Processing with Java: Techniques for Building ...
Richard M. Reese & Ashishsingh Bhatia
From Knowledge Management to Strategic Competence: Measuring ...
Joseph Tidd
Transhumanism, Nature, and the Ends of Science
Robert Frodeman
The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the ...
Arthur Koestler
Science for Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations ...
David L. Lewis
Revolutionary Mathematics: Artificial Intelligence, Statistics ...
Justin Joque
The Oxford Handbook of Bioethics
Bonnie Steinbock
Money: Vintage Minis
Yuval Noah Harari
Knowledge Alchemy: Models and Agency in Global Knowledge Governance
Tero Erkkilä & Meng-Hsuan Chou & Niilo Kauppi
China's Race to Global Technology Leadership
Alessia Amighini