Letter to My Father
Franz Kafka
Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics in C++
Michael Jay Laszlo
Early Modern Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western ...
Graham Oppy & Nick N. Trakakis
Encyclopedia of World Cultures. africa and the middle east
David Levinson
Philosophy of Law: A Very Short Introduction
Raymond Wacks
Who Owns the Future?
Jaron Lanier
Utopistics, Or, Historical Choices of the Twenty-First Century
Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein
Too Much Magic: Wishful Thinking, Technology, and the Fate of ...
James Howard Kunstler
The Third Wave
Alvin Toffler
The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology
Ray Kurzweil
Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Power at the Edge of the ...
One Hundred Pages for the Future: Reflections of the President ...
Aurelio Peccei
The Next Million Years
Sir Charles Galton Darwin
The Next Fifty Years: Science in the First Half of the Twenty-First ...
John Brockman
The Next 500 Years: Life in the Coming Millennium
Adrian Berry
The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century
George Friedman
Money: Vintage Minis
Yuval Noah Harari
Leben 3.0: Mensch sein im Zeitalter Künstlicher Intelligenz
Max Tegmark
How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed
Future shock
An Experiment With Time
J. W. Dunne
Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
K. Eric Drexler
Conversations on the Edge of the Apocalypse: Contemplating the ...
David Jay Brown
AI + the New Human Frontier: Reimagining the Future of Time, ...
Erica Orange
After Shock: The World's Foremost Futurists Reflect on 50 Years ...
Ray Kurzweil & George Gilder & Martin Rees & Newt Gingrich & Alan Kay & David Brin & Po Bronson