Charming Proofs: A Journey Into Elegant Mathematics
Claudi Alsina & Roger B. Nelsen
Encyclopedia of World Cultures: South and Southeast Asia
Paul Hockings & David Levinson
The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms
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Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Middle America and the Caribbean
David Levinson
Austerity: The Great Failure
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Dimensional Analysis
J. C. Gibbings
Differentialgleic[..] mit Mathematica®
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Differential Equations: An Introduction with Mathematica®
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Differential and Riemannian Manifolds
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A Course in Functional Analysis and Measure Theory
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Convex Functions and Optimization Methods on Riemannian Manifolds
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Conformal Mapping
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A Concise Introduction to Measure Theory
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Computational Mathematics and Applications
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Complex Analysis, Riemann Surfaces and Integrable Systems
Complex Analysis on Infinite Dimensional Spaces
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Complex Analysis
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