The Interplay of Morphology and Phonology
Sharon Inkelas
Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning Creating and Deploying ...
Ian Pointer
Die Anfänge der Deutschen: Der Weg in die Geschichte
Johannes Fried
The Book of Equanimity: Illuminating Classic Zen Koans
Gerry Shishin Wick
Objectivity for Actual Human Beings
Stephen R. C. Hicks
II: Fourier Analysis, Self-Adjointness
Michael Reed & Barry Simon
Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica®: Band 2: Analysis
Walter Strampp & Dörthe Janssen
Hypergeometric Summation: An Algorithmic Approach to Summation ...
Wolfram Koepf
Geometry, Mechanics, and Dynamics: Volume in Honor of the 60th ...
Jerrold E. Marsden & Paul Newton & Phil Holmes & Alan Weinstein
The Geometry of Riemann Surfaces and Abelian Varieties
José María Muñoz Porras & Iberoamerican Congress On Geometry & Sevín Recillas-Pishmish
Geometric Measure Theory and Real Analysis
Luigi Ambrosio
A Generalization of Riemann Mappings and Geometric Structures ...
Stephen Semmes
Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory and Applications
Didier J. Dubois & Henri M. Prade
Fuzzy Chaotic Systems: Modeling, Control, and Applications
Zhong Li
Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis
Paul J. Sally, Jr.
Fundamentals of Complex Analysis: With Applications to Engineering ...
Edward Saff & Arthur D. Snider
Functions of Bounded Variation and Their Fourier Transforms
Elijah Liflyand
Functional Analysis and Infinite-Dimensional Geometry - Alternate ...
Marián Fabian & Petr Habala & Petr Hájek & Vicente Montesinos Santalucia & Jan Pelant & Václav Zizler
Function Theory in the Unit Ball of Cn
Walter Rudin
A Friendly Approach to Complex Analysis
Sara Maad Sasane & Amol Sasane
Fourier Analysis and Approximation: One Dimensional Theory
Paul Butzer & Nessel & Trebels
A First Course in Complex Analysis with Applications
Dennis G. Zill & Patrick Shanahan
Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer?
Ian Nicholas Stewart & Martin Golubitsky
Exploring Abstract Algebra with Mathematica®
Allen C. Hibbard & Kenneth M. Levasseur
Experiments in Mathematics using Maple
Christopher Tj Dodson & Elizabeth A. Gonzalez