Are We Spiritual Machines?: Ray Kurzweil vs. The Critics of ...
John Searle & Ray Kurzweil & George Gilder & Jay W. Richards & Michael Denton & Thomas Ray & William A. Dembski
Uncivilized: The Best of Green Anarchy Magazine
John Zerzan & Aragorn! & Wolfi Landstreicher & Jesús Sepúlveda
Automatic Writing and Drawing (Modern Gnosis Series)
Eric Tau
The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenological Psychopathology
Giovanni Stanghellini & Matthew Broome & Anthony Vincent Fernandez & Paolo Fusar-Poli & Andrea Raballo & Renã© Rosfort
Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3
David Amos & Dan Bader & Joanna Jablonski & Fletcher Heisler
An Introduction to Jacob Boehme: Four Centuries of Thought and ...
Ariel Hessayon & Sarah Apetrei