The Mathematics of Logic: A Guide to Completeness Theorems and ...
Richard W. Kaye
Measure Theory
Paul R. Halmos
Encyclopedia of Gerontology
James E. Birren
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, ...
Ali Farazmand
From the Library of C. S. Lewis
James Stuart Bell & Anthony P. Dawson
The Philosophy of Religious Language: Sign, Symbol, and Story
Dan R. Stiver
Philosophy of Religion: The Key Thinkers
Jeff Jordan
Philosophy of Religion in the Twenty-First Century
D. Z. Phillips & Timothy Tessin
The Philosophy of Plotinus: The Gifford Lectures at St. Andrews, ...
William R. Inge
Philosophy of Mysticism: Raids on the Ineffable
Richard H. Jones
Philosophy of Law: Collected Essays
John Finnis
The Philosophy of Jesus
Peter J. Kreeft
The Philosophy of Humanism
Corliss Lamont
The Philosophy of Aquinas
Cristopher John Shields & Robert Pasnau
Philosophy and Theology in the Middle Ages
G. R. Evans
Philosophy and Religion
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling
Phenomenology and Mysticism: The Verticality of Religious Experience
Anthony J. Steinbock
Phenomenology and Eschatology: Not Yet in the Now
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Peter, Paul & Mary Magdalene: The Followers of Jesus in History ...
Bart D. Ehrman
Perspectives on Moral Responsibility
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Persephone's Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion
Robert Gordon Wasson
The Perennial Philosophy: An Interpretation of the Great Mystics, ...
Aldous Leonard Huxley
Perceiving Reality: Consciousness, Intentionality, and Cognition ...
Christian Coseru
Paul's New Moment: Continental Philosophy and the Future of ...
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Paul Tillich, Carl Jung and the Recovery of Religion
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