Cultural Analysis: The Work of Peter L. Berger, Mary Douglas, ...
Robert Wuthnow & Albert J. Bergesen & James Davison Hunter & Edith Kurzweil
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Bronte
The Moscow Rules: The Secret CIA Tactics That Helped America ...
Antonio J. Mendez & Jonna Mendez
Decadence, Degeneration, and the End: Studies in the European ...
Marja Härmänmaa & Christopher Nissen
The New Modern Man
Relampago Furioso
Zero Limits
Joe Vitale & Ihaleakala Hew Len
Writings on Physics and Philosophy
Wolfgang Pauli
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
Matthew Walker
Who Is Who?: The Philosophy of Doctor Who
Kevin S. Decker
Who Is Who?
When Einstein Walked With Gödel: Excursions to the Edge of Thought
Jim Holt
What Is Mathematics, Really?
Reuben Hersh
The Visual Encyclopedia
Dorling Kindersley
Virilio Live: Selected Interviews
John Armitage
Universe or Multiverse?
Bernard Carr
The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy: The Search for Socrates
Kevin S. Decker & Jason T. Eberl
Transcendence: The Disinformation Encyclopedia of Transhumanism ...
R. U. Sirius & Jay Cornell
Transactions on Computational Science V: Special Issue on Cognitive ...
Yingxu Wang & C. J. Kenneth Tan & Keith Chan
Topological and Algebraic Structures in Fuzzy Sets: A Handbook ...
S. E. Rodabaugh & Erich Peter Klement
Thinking with Diagrams: The Semiotic Basis of Human Cognition
Sybille Krämer & Christina Ljungberg
That Hideous Strength
C. S. Lewis
Space Trilogy (3)
Techniques of Differential Topology in Relativity
Roger Penrose
The Talking Ape: How Language Evolved
Robbins Burling
Symmetry, Shape and Space: An Introduction to Mathematics Through ...
L.christine Kinsey & Teresa E. Moore
The Stuff of Thought
Steven Pinker