Security-Driven Software Development: Learn to Analyze and Mitigate ...
Aspen Olmsted
American Rose
Karen Abbott
General Linguistics
Edward Sapir & Pierre Swiggers
Running Commentary: The Contentious Magazine That Transformed ...
Benjamin Balint
Introduction to Jungian Psychotherapy: The Therapeutic Relationship
David Sedgwick
Your Call Is Important to Us
Laura Penny
Vocabularies of Public Life;Empirical Essays in Symbolic Structure
Robert Wuthnow
Remembering the Past in Contemporary African American Fiction
Keith Byerman
Our Culture, What's Left Of It
Theodore Dalrymple
Occupy Nation
Todd Gitlin
Essays in Sociological Theory - Revised Edition
Talcott Parsons
The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies: The Ultimate A–Z ...
John Michael Greer
The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z ...
Theresa Cheung
Confucian China and Its Modern Fate
Joseph R. Levenson