Uncertainty Management with Fuzzy and Rough Sets
Rafael Bello & Rafael Falcon & José Luis Verdegay
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (377)
Projektmanagement - Agil - Hybrid - Klassisch
Erich Dräger & Carey G. Butler & Angela Neubert & Mehtap Ugurlu & Agnes Hampel
An Economic Interpretation of Linear Programming
Quirino Paris
Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming: 16- and 32-Bit ...
Barry Kauler
Brenda Niall
Theory of Legal Principles
Humberto Avila
That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right
Stephen P. Halbrook
Supreme Injustice: How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000
Alan M. Dershowitz
Studies in Legal Logic
Jaap Hage
Strangers in Our Midst
David Miller
STAUB - Handelsgesetzbuch §§ 325-342a 6. Auflage
Max Ehrl & Jens Bülte & Mathias Habersack & Christian Kersting & Ernst-Thomas Kraft & André Meyer & Moritz Pöschke & Martin Schwab & Christoph A. Weber
Sourcebook on Criminal Law
Michael T. Molan
Social Justice
Matthew Clayton & Andrew Williams
Simple Secrets to Becoming a Saving Whiz: Stop Feeling Overwhelmed, ...
Gina Zakaria
The Shield of Silence
Lauren Stiller Rikleen
The Second Amendment: A Biography
Michael Waldman
The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Science of Punishment
Farah Focquaert & Elizabeth Shaw & Bruce N. Waller
The Routledge Handbook of Forensic Linguistics
Malcolm Coulthard & Alison Johnson
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Law
Andrei Marmor
The Robber Barons and the Sherman Antitrust Act: Reshaping American ...
Tim McNeese
Rights From Wrongs: A Secular Theory of the Origins of Rights
Religious Liberties for Corporations?
D. Gans & I. Shapiro & Ralf Norrman
Reason, Morality, and Law: The Philosophy of John Finnis
John Keown & Robert P. George
Re-Envisioning Sovereignty
Trudy Jacobsen
The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek: Aka the Kebra ...
Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge