Social Representations and the Social Bases of Knowledge
Mario von Cranach & Willem Doise & Gabriel Mugny
Thinking Forth
Leo Brodie
Cambridge IGCSE® English as a Second Language Teacher's Book
Peter Lucantoni
The Fate of Art: Aesthetic Alienation From Kant to Derrida and ...
J. M. Bernstein
Principles of Linear Algebra With Mathematica®
Karl Frinkle & Kenneth M. Shiskowski
Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts (1)
Thought and Language
John Preston
The Theory of Descriptions: Russell and the Philosophy of Language
Graham Stevens
The Rosicrucian Mysteries
Max Heindel
Philosophy of Finitude: Heidegger, Levinas and Nietzsche
Rafael Winkler
Philologie Der Poesie: Von Goethe Bis Peter Szondi
Christoph König
Literature, Philosophy, Nihilism: The Uncanniest of Guests
Shane Weller
Hermeneutics Between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings ...
Hans-Georg Gadamer
The hermeneutic background of C. G. Jung - Paper
William E. Smythe & Angelina Baydala
Die Geisteswissenscha[..] - Grundlegung für das Studium der ...
Wilhelm Dilthey