Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Systemic Functional Perspectives
Kay O'Halloran
What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency, ...
Peter-Paul Verbeek
Goajiro (Arawak) II: Nouns and Associated Morphemes - Paper
Nils M. Holmer
Variation, Selection, Development: Probing the Evolutionary ...
Regine Eckardt & Gerhard Jäger & Tonjes Veenstra
Fuzzy Modeling and Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining and Exploration
Earl Cox
Useful Dictionary of Derived Words
Martin Manser
Text Linguistics and Classical Studies
Mauro Giuffrè
UNIPA Springer Series (1)
The Tenses of the English Language Abridged Version 1.2
Max Brown
The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology
Rochelle Lieber & Pavol Stekauer
Oxford Handbooks (1)
The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar
Sylvia Chalker & David Mountfield & Edmund S. C. Weiner
On the Grammar of 'Enjoy'
Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe
On Linguistics Formulas for Knowledge Representation - Paper
Inger Bierschenk
On Linguistic Formulas for Knowledge Representation
A New English Grammar - American Edition: English Grammar by ...
Andrew Rossiter
Lexical functional grammar
Peter K. Austin
A Grammar of the Old Testament in Greek
Henry St. John Thackeray
A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue
Rasmus Christian Rask
A Grammar of Modern Indo-European: Language and Culture, Writing ...
Carlos Quiles Casas
A Grammar of Attic and Ionic Greek - Scholar's Choice Edition
Frank Cole Babbitt
Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students
Mignon Fogarty
Grammar and Usage for Better Writing
Henry I. Christ & Harold Levine
From Conceptual Metaphor Theory to Cognitive Ethnolinguistics
Kuzniak, Marek,Libura, Agnieszka,Szawerna, Michal
Studies in Language, Culture and Society (1)
English Syntax and Argumentation
Bas Aarts
Macmillan Modern Linguistics (1)
A Dictionary Of Intermediate Japanese Grammar
Seiichi Makino & Michio Tsutsui
The Construction of Words
Geert Booij
Studies in Morphology (4)