The World in 2050
Hamish McRae
Revisiting Narnia
Shanna Caughey
Language, Power, and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire
Jim Cummins
Analysis of Complex Networks: From Biology to Linguistics
Matthias Dehmer & Frank Emmert-Streib
Docker for Data Science
Joshua Cook
Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win
David Limbaugh
Unfreedom of the Press
Mark R. Levin
The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms ...
Clayton M. Christensen
Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order
Patrick M. Wood
Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption ...
Peter Schweizer
SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police
Vox Day
SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police
Programmieren Lernen Mit JavaScript: Lerne und Verstehe JavaScript ...
Michael Doner
Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring ...
P. David Gaubatz & Paul E. Sperry
Addendum to the MATHEMATICA Book: A Guide to the New Functions ...
Cliff Hastings & Kelvin Mischo & Michael Morrison
Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy
Matt Stoller
The Naked Communist: Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom
W. Cleon Skousen & Paul B. Skousen
Hoaxed: Everything They Told You Is a Lie
Scooter Downey & Jon Du Toit & Mike Cernovich
American Nietzsche: A History of an Icon and His Ideas
Jennifer Ratner
Resistance to Tyranny: A Primer
Joseph P. Martino
Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice
Sidney Powell
Learn to Read with Great Speed! Only 10 minutes a day! (How ...
Michal Stawicki
Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language, and Life
Jeremy Campbell
DARK AGENDA: The War to Destroy Christian America
David Horowitz
Con Game
Terry Ambrose