Grundlagen der Allgemeinen Betriebswirtschaf[..] Geschichte ...
Manfred Bardmann
David and Solomon
Neil Asher Silberman & Israel Finkelstein
A Systematic Comparison of Various Statistical Alignment Models ...
Franz Josef Och & Hermann Ney
Statistical Phrase-Based Translation - Paper
Franz Josef Och & Philipp Koehn & Daniel Marcu
What Is Philosophy?
Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari
European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism (1)
The Passion of Ayn Rand
Barbara Branden
Consequences of Phenomenology: Local Politics, National Factors, ...
Don Ihde
Lectures in Universal Algebra
L. Szabó & Á Szendrei
Philip K. Dick
Dreamer's Dictionary
Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett
Encounter with the Self: A Jungian Commentary on William Blake's ...
Edward F. Edinger
Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
K. Eric Drexler
Poverty and Wealth: Why Socialism Doesn't Work
Ronald H. Nash
The Ever-Present Origin
Jean Gebser & Algis Mickunas
Faces of the enemy : reflections of the hostile imagination
Sam Keen
To Sail Beyond the Sunset
Robert A. Heinlein
Economics in Perspective: A Critical History
John Kenneth Galbraith
Ecstasy: Understanding the Psychology of Joy
Robert A. Johnson
Against the Protestant Gnostics
Philip J. Lee
Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons
Manfred Lurker
Personality Types: Jung's Model of Typology
Daryl Sharp
The Christian Archetype: A Jungian Commentary on the Life of ...
Touching: Body Therapy and Depth Psychology
Deldon Anne McNeely
The Kundalini Experience: Psychosis or Transcendence?
Lee Sannella
The Heart of History: Individuality in Evolution
John Weir Perry