Lineare Algebra mit Mathematica® und Maple: Repetitorium und ...
Walter Strampp
Applied Machine Learning and AI for Engineers: Solve Business ...
Jeff Prosise & Adam Prosise
Introduction to 64 Bit Windows Assembly Language Programming: ...
Ray Seyfarth
1,227 QI Facts to Blow Your Socks Off
John Lloyd & John Mitchinson & James Harkin
Money and the Early Greek Mind: Homer, Philosophy, Tragedy
Richard Seaford
Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming, II: Proceedings ...
Veronica Dahl & Patrick Saint-Dizier
Natural Language Understanding
James Allen
Natural Language Processing: EAIA '90, 2nd Advanced School in ...
Advanced School In Artificial Intelligence
Natural Language Processing: An Introduction to an Emerging ...
Harry Tennant
Natural language processing using very large corpora
Susan Armstrong & Kenneth Church & Pierre Isabelle & Sandra Manzi & Evelyne Tzoukermann & David Yarowsky
Natural Language Processing using Very Large Corpora
S. Armstrong & Kenneth W. Church & Pierre Isabelle & Sandra Manzi & Evelyne Tzoukermann & David Yarowsky
Natural Language Processing in the 1980s: A Bibliography
Gerald Gazdar & Robert Evans & Alex Franz & Karen Osborn
Gerald Gazdar & Alex Franz & Karen Osborne & Roger Evans
Natural Language Processing in Prolog: An Introduction to Computational ...
Gerald Gazdar & Christopher S. Mellish
Natural Language Processing in LISP: An Introduction to Computational ...
Natural Language Parsing: Psychological, Computational, and ...
David R. Dowty & Lauri Karttunen & Arnold M. Zwicky
Natural Language Parsing Systems
Jaime Guillermo Carbonell
Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories
U. Reyle & C. Rohrer
A Natural Language Interface for Computer-Aided Design
T. Samad
Natural Language Information Processing: A Computer Grammar ...
Naomi Sager
Natural Language Generation: New Results in Artificial Intelligence, ...
G. A. Kempen
Natural Language Generation Systems
David D. MacDonald
Natural Language Communication with Computers
Leonard Bolc