The Business Analyst / Project Manager: A New Partnership for ...
Robert K. Wysocki
What's the Use?: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics
Ian Nicholas Stewart
The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, Volume II - K-Z
Christopher B. Gray
The Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update
Donella H. Meadows & Jørgen Randers & Dennis L. Meadows
Mind, Language, and Metaphilosophy Early Philosophical Papers ...
Analyse complexe pour la licence 3: cours et exercices corrigés
Patrice Tauvel
Analyse complexe
Eric Amar & Etienne Matheron
Alice au Pays des Merveilles, suivi de De l'autre côté du miroir
Lewis Carroll
Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche