Edexcel AS and A level Modular Mathematics FP3
Harry Smith & Greg Attwood & Ian Bettison & Alan Clegg & Gill Dyer
The Prince and the Pauper
Mark Twain
Calvin's Dilemma: God's Sovereignty vs. Man's Free Will
Dave Hunt
Encyclopedia of Political Theory
Mark Bevir
George Washington Papers, Series 2, Letterbooks 1754-1799
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress.
Great books of the Western World - Volume 34
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Great books of the Western World - Volume 33
Great books of the Western World - Volume 32
Great books of the Western World - Volume 31
Great books of the Western World - Volume 30
Great books of the Western World - Volume 29
Great books of the Western World - Volume 28
Great books of the Western World - Volume 27
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc
Great books of the Western World - Volume 26
Great books of the Western World - Volume 25
Great books of the Western World - Volume 24
Great books of the Western World - Volume 23
Great books of the Western World - Volume 22
Great books of the Western World - Volume 21
Great books of the Western World - Volume 20
Great Books of the Western World - Volume 2
Great books of the Western World - Volume 18
Great books of the Western World - Volume 17
Great books of the Western World - Volume 16
Great books of the Western World - Volume 14