Python in a Nutshell
Alex Martelli & Anna Ravenscroft & Steve Holden
Micronations and the Search for Sovereignty
Harry Hobbs & George Williams
Linguistic Borrowing in Bilingual Contexts
Fredric W. Field
Constructing the Hindu Temple in the Purāṇic Age - Dissertation
Elisabeth Raddock
Origins and History of Consciousness
Neumann, Erich
Projects in Linguistics - A Practial Guide to Researching Language
Alison Wray & Kate Trott & Aileen Bloomer & Shirley Reay & Chris Butler
Reading Epistemology: Selected Texts with Interactive Commentary ...
Sven Bernecker
Real-time systems and programming languages
Alan Burns & Andy Wellings
Realms of the Prophetic
Naim Collins
Reverse Sanskrit Dictionary
Stiehl U.
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations - Africa
Gale Group Staff
What Is Philosophy?
Martin Heidegger
Water Waves The Mathematical Theory with Applications - Volume ...
R. Courant & L. Bers & J. J. Stoker
Modalities of Thought - Language and Reality Pt. 2
Modalities of Thought - Language and Reality Pt. 1
Occulting and Encrypting Reality through Word Magic - Language ...
Treasure of the Syriac Language A Dictionary of Classical Syriac. ...
Translation: An Advanced Resource Book
Basil Hatim & Jeremy Munday
The Only Academic Phrasebook You'll Ever Need
Luiz Otávio Barros
Theory of Bloom
Robert Hurley Tiqqun
Towards a cognitive linguistic approach to language comprehension
G.S. McGlashan
Weakness of the Will
Justin Gosling
The Story of Philosophy: the Lives and Opinions of the Greater ...
Will Durant
The Regulation of Contracts (Encyclopedia of Law and Economics ...
Boudewijn Bouckaert & Gerrit De Geest
The Practice of English Language Teaching, 3rd Edition
Jeremy Harmer