American History & Donald Trump: The 200-Year-Old Roots of the ...
Michael Rank
Semantic Role Universals and Argument Linking: Theoretical, ...
Bornkessel, Ina & Schlesewsky, Matthias & Comrie, Bernard & Friederici, Angela D.
Jazz Guitar 2 - Intermediate
Jody Fisher
Stoic Six Pack 5: The Cynics
Diogenes Laërtius & Xenophon & John MacCunn & Publius Syrus
A Synopticon An Index to the Great Ideas
Mortimer Jerome Adler
Kubernetes - Up and Running: Dive Into the Future of Infrastructure ...
Brendan Burns & Joe Beda & Kelsey Hightower & Lachlan Evenson
Kubernetes Cookbook: Building Cloud Native Applications
Sameer Naik & Sébastien Goasguen & Jonathan Michaux
Kubernetes Networking: A Deep Dive
James Strong & Vallery Lancey
Kubernetes Operators: Automating the Container Orchestration ...
Jason Dobies & Joshua Wood
Learning Helm: Managing Apps on Kubernetes
Matt Butcher & Matt Farina & Josh Dolitsky
Learning Modern Linux: A Handbook for the Cloud Native Practitioner
Michael Hausenblas
Learning React, 2nd Edition
Eve Porcello & Alex Banks
Learning React: Modern Patterns for Developing React Apps - ...
Learning TypeScript: Enhance Your Web Development Skills using ...
Josh Goldberg
Machine Learning for Financial Risk Management With Python: ...
Abdullah Karasan
Machine Learning Pocket Reference: Working with Structured Data ...
Matt Harrison
Managing Cloud Native Data on Kubernetes: Architecting Cloud ...
Jeff Carpenter & Patrick McFadin
Mastering Kafka Streams and Ksqldb: Building Real-Time Data ...
Mitch Seymour
Practical Automated Machine Learning on Azure: Using AutoML ...
Deepak Mukunthu & Parashar Shah & Wee Hyong Tok
Practical Deep Learning for Cloud and Mobile: Hands-On Computer ...
Anirudh Koul & Siddha Ganju & Meher Kasam
Programming Interactivity
Joshua Noble
Programming Kubernetes: Developing Cloud Native Applications
Michael Hausenblas & Stefan Schimanski
Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning Creating and Deploying ...
Ian Pointer
Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications ...
Boris Cherny