Note On Performative Acts Of Violence [Essay]
Judith P. Butler
Deep Learning With PyTorch Lightning: Swiftly Build High-Performance ...
Kunal Sawarkar
Business English Language Practice: Grammar and Vocabulary
Susan Lowe & Louise Pile
Main trends of research in the social and human sciences, pt. ...
Pierre de; Boudon Bie & Bourgeois-Pichat Raymond & Jean Jakobson
Medias in Res! Für Das Sechsjährige Latein. Schülerbuch
Oliver Hissek & Wolfram Kautzky
Continental Philosophy of Science
Gary Gutting
Courage, Clarity, and Confidence: Redefine Success and the Way ...
Gala Jackson
Covert Persuasion
Kevin Hogan & James Speakman
The Critical Thinking Toolkit
Galen A. Foresman
Cryptography for Internet and Database Applications
Nick Galbreath
The Culture of Surveillance
David Lyon
Customer Data Platforms: Use People Data to Transform the Future ...
Martin Kihn & Christopher B. O'Hara
The Customer-Funded Business
John Mullins
Cybersecurity First Principles: A Reboot of Strategy and Tactics
Rick Howard
Data Analysis using SQL and Excel
Gordon S. Linoff
Data Engineering: Fuzzy Mathematics in Systems Theory and Data ...
Olaf Wolkenhauer
Data Lakes for Dummies
Alan R. Simon
Data Mining for Business Analytics
Galit Shmueli & Peter C. Bruce & Peter Gedeck & Nitin R. Patel
Data Mining Methods and Models
Daniel T. Larose
Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python
Rance D. Necaise
Data Visualization with Excel Dashboards and Reports
Dick Kusleika
The Data WarehouseETL Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Extracting, ...
Ralph Kimball & Joe Caserta
Developing Language and Literacy: Effective Intervention in ...
Julia M. Carroll & Claudine Bowyer-Crane & Fiona J. Duff & Charles Hulme & Margaret J. Snowling
DevOps For Dummies®
Emily Freeman
The DevSecOps Playbook: Deliver Continuous Security at Speed
Sean D. Mack