Creating Language: Integrating Evolution, Acquisition, and Processing
Morten H. Christiansen & Nick Chater
Philosophy of Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction
José Luis Bermúdez
Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised™
Napoleon Hill
Handbook of Logic and Language
Alice G. B. Ter Meulen
Cybernetics: Second Edition: Or the Control and Communication ...
Norbert Wiener
Economics in Perspective: A Critical History
John Kenneth Galbraith
The Economics of Innocent Fraud: Truth for Our Time
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Generalized ...
William R. Shadish & Thomas D. Cook & Donald Thomas Campbell
A Journey Through Economic Time: A Firsthand View
Money, Whence It Came, Where It Went
Name-Dropping: From F.D.R. On
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral ...
Julian Jaynes
Pages Passed From Hand to Hand: The Hidden Tradition of Homosexual ...
Mark Lindsey Mitchell & David Leavitt
Philosophical Themes in Modern Education
Robert Sherrick Brumbaugh & Nathaniel Morris Lawrence