Dead or Alive
Tom Clancy & Grant Blackwood
A Jack Ryan Novel (10)
The Boy Who Would Live Forever: A Novel of Gateway
Frederik Pohl
Astrolabio (Aforismos)
Carlos Saavedra Weise
Imagined Cities: Urban Experience and the Language of the Novel
Robert Alter
Five-Minute Activities: A Resource Book of Short Activities
Penny Ur & Andrew Wright
Pro React 16
Adam Freeman
Pro REST API Development With Node.js
Fernando Doglio
Pro RESTful APIs: Design, Build and Integrate With REST, JSON, ...
Sanjay Patni
Pro SharePoint 2013 Branding and Responsive Web Development
Oscar Medina & Kanwal Khipple & Rita Zhang & Eric Overfield & Chris Beckett & Benjamin Niaulin
Pro Spring Boot 2: An Authoritative Guide to Building Microservices, ...
Felipe Gutierrez
Pro Spring MVC With WebFlux: Web Development in Spring Framework ...
Marten Deinum & Andrew Lombardi
Pro Team Foundation Service
Mathias Olausson & Joachim Rossberg & Jakob Ehn & Mattias Skld
Pro Vagrant
Wlodzimierz Gajda
Pro Website Development and Operations: Streamlining DevOps ...
Matthew Sacks
Productive and Efficient Data Science with Python
Tirthajyoti Sarkar
Programming Microcontrollers with Python
Armstrong Subero
Programming Reactive Extensions and LINQ
Jesse Liberty & Paul Betts
Progressive Web Apps with Angular: Create Responsive, Fast and ...
Majid Hajian
PySpark Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach With PySpark2
Raju Kumar Mishra
Python Challenges: 100 Proven Programming Tasks Designed to ...
Michael Inden
A Python Data Analyst’s Toolkit
Gayathri Rajagopalan
Python for the Life Sciences
Alexander Lancaster & Gordon Webster
Python Testing With Selenium
Sujay Raghavendra
PyTorch Recipes
Pradeepta Mishra
Quantum Machine Learning with Python
Santanu Pattanayak