Historical Dictionary of Hume's Philosophy
Kenneth Rogers Merrill
A Primer on Logarithms
Shailesh Shirali
Corpus Linguistics in Literary Analysis Jane Austen and her ...
Introduction to Field Theory
Iain T. Adamson
Guilt by Accusation
Alan M. Dershowitz
Democracy--The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics of ...
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Legitimacy and Revolution in a Society of Masses
M. F. N. Giglioli
The Origin of Values: Essays in the Sociology and Philosophy ...
Raymond Boudon
Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations
Raymond Aron
Philosophy of Science: From Problem to Theory
Mario Bunge
Scientific Controversies
Dominique Raynaud
Society, Economics, and Philosophy: Selected Papers
Michael Polanyi
The Treason of the Intellectuals
Julien Benda