Functional Discourse Grammar: A Typologically-Based Theory of ...
J. Lachlan Mackenzie & Kees Hengeveld
Too Much Magic: Wishful Thinking, Technology, and the Fate of ...
James Howard Kunstler
Webster's New World Medical Dictionary, Fully Revised and Updated
Dake's Bible EXPOSED!
Jeff Spencer
Negotiating and Contesting Identities in Linguistic Landscapes
Robert Blackwood & Elizabeth Lanza & Hirut Woldemariam
Corpus and Context: Investigating Pragmatic Functions in Spoken ...
Svenja Adolphs
Functional Structure in Nominals
Artemis Alexiadou
Exploring Time, Tense, and Aspect in Natural Language Database ...
Ion Androutsopoulos
Historical and Comparative Linguistics
Raimo Anttila
Contemporary Approaches to Romance Linguistics: Selected Papers ...
Julie Auger & J. Clancy Clements & Barbara Vance & Rachel T. Anderson
Modality and Its Interaction With the Verbal System
Lambertus Christiaan Jozef Barbiers & Frits H. Beukema & Wim van Der Wurff
Language, Discourse, and Translation in the West and Middle ...
Robert de Beaugrande & Abdulla Shunnaq & Mohamed Helmy Heliel
Morphology 2000: Selected Papers From the 9th Morphology Meeting, ...
Sabrina Bendjaballah
Manual of Specialised Lexicography: The Preparation of Specialised ...
Henning Bergenholtz & Sven Tarp
University Language: A Corpus-Based Study of Spoken and Written ...
Douglas Biber
Discourse on the Move: using Corpus Analysis to Describe Discourse ...
Adverbials and the Phase Model
Petr Biskup
An Introduction to the Study of Language
Leonard Bloomfield
Morphology and Language History: In Honour of Harold Koch
Claire Bowern & Bethwyn Evans & Luisa Miceli
Less Translated Languages
Albert Branchadell & Lovell Margaret West
Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse
Wolfram Bublitz & Uta Lenk & Eija Ventola
Morphology: A Study of the Relation Between Meaning and Form
Joan L. Bybee
Essays on Language Function and Language Type: Dedicated to ...
Joan L. Bybee & John Haiman & Sandra A. Thompson