Applied Data Science using PySpark
Sridhar Alla & Ramcharan Kakarla & Sundar Krishnan
Think Tank Management Establishing a Knowledge Repository
Benjamin Horne & Tanya Torres & Jessica Mackenzie
Express.js Guide The Comprehensive Book on Express.js
Azat Mardan
Emergence of the Omniverse: Universe - Multiverse - Omniverse
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Collins Dictionary of Physics
Eric Deeson
Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Life
Kitty Blount & Maggie Crowley
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Andrew Chevallier
Coding Games in Python
Dorling Kindersley, Inc.
Jeremy Evans & Rod Heikell & Tim Jeffery & Andy O'Grady
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Power of the Enneagram
Herb Pearce, M. Ed.
Knowledge Encyclopedia
Smithsonian Institution
How Things Work Encyclopedia
Carrie Love & Penny Smith & Margaret Parrish
How Philosophy Works
Dk Pub
Trees, Leaves, Flowers and Seeds: A Visual Encyclopedia of the ...
Spanish English Bilingual Visual Dictionary
Dk Publishing
The Cat Encyclopedia
Inventions: A Visual Encyclopedia
Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff
Marvel Encyclopedia, New Edition
Heads Up Philosophy
Marcus Weeks