Fuzzy Computational Ontologies in Contexts: Formal Models of ...
Yi Cai & Ching-Man Au Yeung & Ho-Fung Leung
F**k: An Irreverent History of the F-Word
Rufus Lodge
Microservices Patterns: With Examples in Java
Chris Richardson
Harriet Tubman: A Life From Beginning to End (American Civil ...
Hourly History
An Introduction to Multilevel Modeling Techniques
Ronald H. Heck & Scott Loring Thomas
Linear Algebra and Smarandache Linear Algebra: Volume 10
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy
Smarandache Fuzzy Algebra - Volume 9
Groupoids and Smarandache Groupoids
Smarandache Loops
Bilagebraic Structures and Smarandache Bialgebraic Structures ...
Smarandache Near-Rings
Smarandache Semigroups
Vedic Mathematics, 'Vedic' or 'Mathematics': A Fuzzy & Neutrosophic ...
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy & Florentin Smarandache
Fuzzy Interval Matrices, Neutrosophic Interval Matrices and ...
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps
Super Linear Algebra
Graphs as Groups
Introduction to Bimatrices
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy & Florentin Smarandache & K. Ilanthenral
Elementary Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists
Neutrosophic Methods in General Relativity
Dmitri Rabounski & Florentin Smarandache & Larissa Borissova
A Unifying Field in Logics: Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy, ...
Florentin Smarandache