Shakespeare's Sexual Language: A Glossary
Gordon Williams
On the Logic of Attributions of Self-Knowledge to Others - Article
Hector-Neri Castaneda
Philosophy of Complex Systems
Cliff Hooker
Varieties of English in Writing: The Written Word as Linguistic ...
Raymond Hickey
A History of Gnosticism
Giovanni Filoramo
Possible Worlds: An Introduction to Logic and Its Philosophy
Raymond Bradley & Norman Swartz
Meditations on First Philosophy: In Which the Existence of God ...
René Descartes
Neoplatonic Philosophy: Introductory Readings
John M. Dillon & Lloyd P. Gerson
Introduction to the Philosophy of History: with Selections From ...
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
A Letter Concerning Toleration
John Locke
Second Treatise of Government
John Locke & Crawford Brough Macpherson
Philosophy Before Socrates: An Introduction with Texts and Commentary
Richard D. McKirahan