Transforming Self and Others Through Research: Transpersonal ...
Rosemarie Anderson & William Braud
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
Jane Jacobs
React Projects
Roy Derks
Introduction to English Derivational Morphology
Theodore M. Lightner
Ich selbst, auch ich tanze: Die Gedichte
Hannah Arendt
Peripatetic Philosophy, 200 BC to AD 200: An Introduction and ...
R. W. Sharples
Metamathematics, Machines and Gödel's Proof
N. Shankar
Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science
Sonu Shamdasani & Shamdasani Sonu
A Hands-On Introduction to Data Science
Chirag Shah
The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal: Islam and Nationalism ...
Iqbal Singh Sevea
The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides
Kenneth Seeskin & Cambridge University Press
The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy
David Sedley & Gary Gutting
The Reception of Kant's Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, ...
Sally Sedgwick
Consciousness and Language
John Rogers Searle & S. Willis & Marion Slusser
Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts
John Rogers Searle
Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind
Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind - Study Guide
Philosophy in a New Century
Philosophy in a New Century: Selected Essays
Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language
Tragedy, Ritual and Money in Ancient Greece: Selected Essays
Richard Seaford
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning
John W. Schwieter & Alessandro Benati