Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: From 8086 to ...
Sivarama P. Dandamudi
Mind-Body: A Categorial Relation
H. Tristram Engelhardt
A Time of Gifts
Patrick Leigh Fermor
Paradox Lost: Logical Solutions to Ten Puzzles of Philosophy
Michael Huemer
Ebola: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus
David Quammen
A Glossary of Historical Linguistics
Lyle Campbell & Mauricio J. Mixco
Hannah Arendt and Political Theory: Challenging the Tradition
Steve Buckler
A History of Scottish Philosophy
Alexander Broadie
Collected Essays in Speculative Philosophy
James Bradley
Pragmatic Stylistics
Elizabeth Black
Introducing Linguistic Morphology
Laurie Bauer
The Linguistics Student's Handbook
A Glossary of Corpus Linguistics
Paul Baker & Andrew Hardie & Tony McEnery
Virilio and Visual Culture
John Armitage
The Virilio Dictionary