The Science of Leonardo: Inside the Mind of the Great Genius ...
Fritjof Capra
On Schmitt and Space
Claudio Minca & Rory Rowan
Algorithms for Communications Systems and Their Applications
Nevio Benvenuto & Giovanni Cherubini
Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy
Avrum Stroll
Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain
Antonio R. Damasio
Nudging in Management Accounting: Assessment of the Relevance ...
Susanne Rauscher & Annika Zielke
Value Added Heat Map: Eine Methode zur Visualisierung von Wertschöpfung
Dagmar Piotr Tomanek & Jürgen Schröder
10 Foundation (91)
Verteilungen Als Grundlage Des Quantitativen Risikomanagements
Uwe Wehrspohn & Dietmar Ernst
essentials (1)