Physics by Computer: Programming Physical Problems Using Mathematica® ...
Wolfgang Kinzel & Georg Reents
Game, Set, and Math: Enigmas and Conundrums
Ian Nicholas Stewart
Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century
Peter Watson
Chariots of Prophetic Fire: Studies in Elijah and Elisha
R. J. Rushdoony
At the Crossroads: Challenges of Foreign Language Learning
Ewa Piechurska-Kuciel & Elżbieta Szymańska-Czaplak & Magdalena Szyszka
Being Human
Rowan Williams
History and Eschatology: Jesus and the Promise of Natural Theology
N. T. Wright
The Hidden Tradition of the Kingdom of God
Margaret Barker
God, Stephen Hawking and the Multiverse
David Hutchings & David Wilkinson