Eastern Philosophy: The Greatest Thinkers and Sages From Ancient ...
Kevin Burns
World Without Cancer : The Story of Vitamin B17 - Part 2
G. Edward Griffin
The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Return of Sherlock Holmes (4)
Microservices in Production
Susan J. Fowler
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences
Robert Andrew Wilson & Frank C. Keil
Milton Friedman on Economics: Selected Papers
Milton Friedman
Capitalism and Freedom
The Linguistic Turn: Essays in Philosophical Method
Richard Rorty
Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic: Beyond the Formalism
Susan Haack
Logic Machines and Diagrams
Martin Gardner
The 2nd Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles & Diversions
Mathematics and Humor: A Study of the Logic of Humor
John Allen Paulos
The End of Philosophy
Martin Heidegger
The Concept of the Political
Carl Schmitt & Leo Strauss
The City
Robert E. Park & Ernest W. Burgess & Roderick Duncan McKenzie
The Aesthetics of Meaning and Thought: The Bodily Roots of Philosophy, ...
Mark Johnson
Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy
Leo Strauss
Sophistry and Political Philosophy
Robert C. Bartlett
The Renaissance Philosophy of Man
Ernst Cassirer & Paul Oskar Kristeller & John Herman Randall Jr.
The Verge of Philosophy
John Sallis & Professor Frederick J Adelmann S J Chair John Sallis
Thinking Through Technology: The Path Between Engineering and ...
Carl Mitcham
What Is Political Philosophy? And Other Studies
Why We Need Ordinary Language Philosophy
Sandra Laugier
Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge, ...
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Recent Mexican Study of the Native Languages of Mexico
Frederick Starr