Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry Into Islam's Obscure Origins
Robert Spencer
Die Geisteswissenscha[..] - Grundlegung für das Studium der ...
Wilhelm Dilthey
Graphics with Mathematica®: Fractals, Julia Sets, Patterns and ...
Chonat Getz & Janet Helmstedt
Ending Plague: A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption
Kent Heckenlively & Judy Mikovits & Francis W. Ruscetti
Spinors, Twistors, Clifford Algebras and Quantum Deformations: ...
Andrzej Borowiec & Bernard Jancewicz & Zbigniew Oziewicz
The Silent Man
Alex Berenson
John Wells (3)
The Shadow Patrol
John Wells (6)
The Secret Soldier
John Wells (5)