Hegel, Nietzsche, and Philosophy: Thinking Freedom
Will Dudley
Leben 3.0: Mensch sein im Zeitalter Künstlicher Intelligenz
Max Tegmark
Approaches to Knowledge Representation: An Introduction
Gordon A. Ringland & David A. Duce
The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy
Robert Solomon & David Sherman
A Forensic Linguistic Approach to Legal Disclosures: ERISA Cash ...
James Stratman
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden ...
Daniel Nahum Rockmore
Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health
Ivan Illich
Break, Blow, Burn
Camille Paglia
Behavior and Evolution
Jean Piaget
Behold the Spirit: A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion
Alan W. Watts
An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, and ...
Katharine Mary Briggs
Civilization in Transition
Carl Gustav Jung
Psychology and Alchemy
The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche
The Development of Personality