Test-Driven React: Find Problems Early, Fix Them Quickly, Code ...
Trevor Burnham
Introduction to English Linguistics
Ingo Plag & Sabine Arndt-Lappe & Maria Braun & Mareile Schramm
Encyclopedia of Linguistics: A-L
Philipp Strazny
Handbook of Complex Analysis
Steven G. Krantz
Jazz Guitar Chord System: Private Lessons Series
Scott Henderson
Clean Agile: Back to Basics
Robert C. Martin
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
Robert C. Martin & Micah Martin
Abstract Algebra: with a Concrete Introduction
John A. Beachy & William D. Blair
Advanced Modern Algebra
Joseph J. Rotman
Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix Approach
Lawrence E. Spence & Arnold J. Insel & Stephen H. Friedberg
Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory
Edgar G. Goodaire & Michael M. Parmenter
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Bernard Kolman & Robert C Busby & Robert C. Busby & Sharon Cutler Ross
Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language ...
Dan Jurafsky & James H. Martin & Andrew Kehler & Nigel Ward & Keith Vender & Autor Linden
Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers
David Nunan
Logic and Language Models for Computer Science
Henry Hamburger & Dana Richards
Principles of Mathematical Problem Solving
Martin J. Erickson & Joe Flowers
The Practice of Philosophy: A Handbook for Beginners
Jay F. Rosenberg
Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin
The ANSI C Programming Language
Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie
Mathematica®, a Practical Approach
Nancy Blachman
Algorithms for Clustering Data
Anil K. Jain & Richard C. Dubes
An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ With Qt 4
Alan Ezust & Paul Ezust
Rapid GUI Programming With Python and Qt
Mark Summerfield
XML Processing With Python
Sean McGrath