Sämtliche Werke
Heinrich Heine
Discrete Dynamical Systems and Difference Equations with Mathematica®
Orlando Merino & Mustafa R. S. Kulenovic
The Palladium Book of Weapons and Assassins
Erick Wujcik & Paula Leasure & Michael Kucharski
Language, Vision, and Music: Selected Papers From the 8th International ...
Paul Mc Kevitt & Conn Mulvihill & Seán Ó Nualláin
Geoffrey Scarre
Formal and Methodological Approaches to Applied Linguistics
Sonja Mujcinovic & Eduardo Gómez Garzarán
Studies in Historical Linguistics and Language Change. Grammaticalization, ...
Dorien Nieuwenhuijsen & Mar Garachana
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Their Applications
Michael Gr. Voskoglou