Gesundheit verboten - unheilbar war gestern
Andreas Ludwig Kalcker
Stephen Baxter
The Oxford Handbook of Panel Data
Badi Hani Baltagi
Culturally Tuning Change Management
Risto Gladden
Selfish Routing and the Price of Anarchy
Tim Roughgarden
The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook
Edward Woods & Rudy Coppieters
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
Randolph Quirk & Sidney Greenbaum & Geoffrey N. Leech & Jan Svartvik
A Grammar of Contemporary English
Focus on Advanced English C. A. E.: Grammar Practice
Richard Walton
Word Frequencies in Written and Spoken English: Based on the ...
Geoffrey N. Leech & Paul Rayson & Andrew Wilson
Cohesion in English
Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday & Ruqaiya Hasan
A Framework for Task-Based Learning
Jane Willis & Jane Rosemary Willis
An Introduction to Linguistics
Loreto Todd
An Introduction to Discourse Analysis
Malcolm Coulthard
An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
Graeme D. Kennedy
Introduction to Text Linguistics
Robert Alain de Beaugrande & Wolfgang Ulrich Dressler
Additional Mathematics: Pure & Applied
J. F. Talbert & H. H. Heng
Analysing Genre: Language Use in Professional Settings
Vijay Kumar Bhatia
Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction
William O'Grady & John Archibald & Francis Katamba
Computational Lexicography for Natural Language Processing
Bran Boguraev & Bron Boguraev & Ted Briscoe & E. J. Briscoe & Manager Branimir Boguraev
An Introduction to Natural Language Processing Through Prolog
Clive Matthews
History of Linguistics
Giulio C. Lepschy
History of Linguistics: The Eastern Traditions and Linguistics
Errors in Language Learning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis
Carl James
An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation
Valerie Adams