Historischer Weltatlas
Walter Leisering
Fallacies and Argument Appraisal
Christopher W. Tindale
American Indian Wars: A History From Beginning to End (Native ...
Hourly History
Linguistic Analysis of the Greek New Testament: Studies in Tools, ...
Stanley E. Porter
Complex Manifolds and Deformation of Complex Structures
Kunihiko Kodaira
Language, Cohesion and Form
Margaret Masterman & Yorik Wilks
Language, Culture, and Society: Key Topics in Linguistic Anthropology
Christine Jourdan & Kevin Tuite
Language, Space, and Social Relationships: A Foundational Cultural ...
Giovanni Bennardo
Language, Usage and Cognition
Joan Bybee
Languages of Class: Studies in English Working Class History ...
Gareth Stedman Jones
Large-Scale Inference: Empirical Bayes Methods for Estimation, ...
Bradley Efron
Law and Language: Effective Symbols of Community
Harold J. Berman
Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Volume 1, Mathematical Logic
George Tourlakis
Lexicalization and Language Change
Laurel J. Brinton & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
Lexical Semantics
D. A. Cruse
Language Test Construction and Evaluation
Charles J.. Alderson & J. Charles Alderson & Caroline Clapham & Dianne Wall & Michael Swan
Legacies of Colonial English: Studies in Transported Dialects
Raymond Hickey
Linguistic Anthropology
Alessandro Duranti
Linguistic Turns in Modern Philosophy
Michael Losonsky
Literature and Language Teaching: A Guide for Teachers and Trainers
Gillian Lazar
Logic in Linguistics
Jens Allwood & Lars-Gunnar Andersson & Osten Dahl
Mappings in Thought and Language
Gilles Fauconnier
Margaret Cavendish: Observations Upon Experimental Philosophy
Margaret Cavendish
Meanings and Metaphors: Activities to Practise Figurative Language
Mathematics, Models, and Modality: Selected Philosophical Essays
John P. Burgess