Essays of a Biologist
Julian Sorell Huxley
Logical Structures for Representation of Knowledge and Uncertainty
Ellen Hisdal
Darwin's Ghosts: The Secret History of Evolution
Rebecca Stott
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems: 17th East European ...
Athena Vakali & Silvia Chiusano & Giovanna Guerrini & Mirko Kämpf & Alfons Kemper & Boris Novikov & Themis Palpanas & Jaroslav Pokorný & Barbara Catania & Tania Cerquitelli
Data Science from Scratch
Joel Grus
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing V: Selected Papers ...
Nicolas Nicolov & Galia Angelova & Ruslan Mitkov
Time and Again: Theoretical Perspectives on Formal Linguistics ...
William D. Lewis
Towards a Derivational Syntax: Survive-Minimalism
Michael T. Putnam
The Structure of Stative Verbs
Antonia Rothmayr
Corpus Analysis and Variation in Linguistics
Yuji Kawaguchi & Makoto Minegishi & Jacques Durand
Determiners: Universals and Variation
Jila Ghomeshi & Ileana Paul & Martina Wiltschko
Syntax within the Word: Economy, Allomorphy, and Argument Selection ...
Daniel Siddiqi
Formulaic Language: Acquisition, loss, psychological reality, ...
Roberta Corrigan
Grammar as Processor: A Distributed Morphology Account of Spontaneous ...
Roland Pfau
Exploring the LexisGrammar Interface
Ute Römer & Rainer Schulze
Television Dialogue: The Sitcom Friends vs. Natural Conversation
Paulo Quaglio
Lexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics
John Flowerdew & Michaela Mahlberg
Narrative Progression in the Short Story: A Corpus Stylistic ...
Michael J. Toolan
Formulaic Language: Distribution and Historical Change
English Historical Linguistics 2006: Lexical and Semantic Change
Maurizio Gotti & Marina Dossena & Richard Dury
Morphology and Language History: In Honour of Harold Koch
Claire Bowern & Bethwyn Evans & Luisa Miceli
Phraseology in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
Fanny Meunier & Sylviane Granger
Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics ...
Susan Deborah Rothstein
Topics in Language Resources for Translation and Localisation
Elia Yuste Rodrigo